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Friday, January 25, 2013

It is 'Illegal' to Unlock iPhones Purchased After January 2013

The U.S. Library of Congress has ruled that jailbreaking the iPad and unlocking iPhones purchased after January 2013 is no longer legal.

Jailbreaking iPhones is still allowed under exemptions to the DMCA that will be in effect for three years.

Computer programs that enable wireless telephone handsets to execute lawfully obtained software applications, where circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of enabling interoperability of such applications with computer programs on the telephone handset.

This exemption is a modification of the proponents’ proposal. It permits the circumvention of computer programs on mobile phones to enable interoperability of non-vendor- approved software applications (often referred to as “jailbreaking”), but does not apply to tablets – as had been requested by proponents – because the record did not support it.

In addition the new exemptions only allow for phones you already have, as well as those purchased before January, to be unlocked. Phones purchased after January 2013 can only be unlocked with the carrier's permission.

Computer programs, in the form of firmware or software, that enable a wireless telephone handset originally acquired from the operator of a wireless telecommunications network or retailer no later than ninety days after the effective date of this exemption to connect to a different wireless telecommunications network, if the operator of the wireless communications network to which the handset is locked has failed to unlock it within a reasonable period of time following a request by the owner of the wireless telephone handset, and when circumvention is initiated by the owner, an individual consumer, who is also the owner of the copy of the computer program in such wireless telephone handset, solely in order to connect to a different wireless telecommunications network, and such access to the network is authorized by the operator of the network.

This exemption is a modification of the proponents’ proposal. It permits the circumvention of computer programs on mobile phones to enable such mobile phones to connect to alternative networks (often referred to as “unlocking”), but with limited applicability. In order to align the exemption to current market realities, it applies only to mobile phones acquired prior to the effective date of the exemption or within 90 days thereafter.

PS3/Game Consoles
The Library of Congress rejected a proposed exemption that would allow for jailbreaking of game consoles.

Because the Register determined that the evidentiary record failed to support a finding that the inability to circumvent access controls on video game consoles has, or over the course of the next three years likely would have, a substantial adverse impact on the ability to make noninfringing uses, the Register declined to recommend the proposed class.

This is quite unfortunate news for those in the jailbreak and unlocking community. We'll keep you update with any more developments.

Ednacell Comments:
In addition the new exemptions only allow for phones you already have, as well as those purchased before January, to be unlocked. Phones purchased after January 2013 can only be unlocked with the carrier's permission.

This is the loop hole here, weak link to all this nonsense.

can only be unlocked with the carrier's permission
1. Anyone can go to ebay and buy unlocked iPhones. Or from Apple Store
Or get iPhone unlocked and contract-free

2. Well know facts that after the user completes his/her contract expires they are free to unlock phones.

3. USA Verizon can only sale unlocked iPhone 5 ruled by the FCC

Think about it..
The only ones that can offer and control real factory unlocking service for iPhones is Apple via itunes.
Why only USA? Why only iPad/iPhone is no longer legal? Why not Samsung, Blackberry, LG etc.

All bullshit money talks if you don`t have it, buy a locked iphone and wait for contract to expire or buy outside the USA. Either way the rotten Apple make the money and USA operators are happy a real GSM FUCKRUM in real life action.

Fuck You Apple...USA Operators and GSM FUCKRUM.

HAHA now the Xsim or Unlocking Sim Cards, are out lawed in USA

not clear if you buy a locked phone in USA, and go live out side USA, and unlock it in other country if that`s Illegal..
Last edited by ednacell; Yesterday at 11:53 PM.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Change Your iPhone’s And iPad’s Carrier Logo Without A Jailbreak [Windows]

CustomCarrierLogo allows you to customize your iOS device’s carrier logo to something totally different. This is limited to devices that can support data/phone service, so no WiFi-only devices. Some carriers might not be supported because they do not use images for their logos (e.g. Sprint). The good part is that CustomCarrierLogo works WITHOUT a jailbreak on any firmware, so iPhone 5’s and iPad LTE’s work. If you do not see your device/carrier within CarrierEditor in the drop down lists, it means that your device is incompatible.
Jump over the break to check out how to use CarrierEditor to change your carrier logo…

NOTE: to learn how to enable numeric signal strength on your iPhone, check out this post
NOTE: Mac users, check out this post
1. Download CustomCarrierLogo
2. Unzip the file
3. Load CustomCarrierLogo
4. Click ‘Let’s Get Started’
5. On your iOS devices go to Settings > General > About > scroll down until you find ‘Carrier’

6. Go back to CustomCarrierLogo, enter your carrier version, choose your iOS device and carrier and choose what type of logo you want. An image or text.
7. Click ‘Create IPCC Carrier Bundle’
8. You will notice two new files on your desktop. In this case ‘ATT_US_13.3.ipcc’ and ‘ATT_US_original.ipcc’.
9. Plug-in your device to your PC and load iTunes.
10. Hold Shift and click on ‘Restore iPhone’.
11. From the drop-down menu in the bottom right corner, slect ‘iPhone/iPad carrier configuration file ( .ipcc )’ and select the appropriate .ipcc file ( not the original )

12. Reboot your iPhone ( or turn on/off airplane mode )
13. Enjoy.
NOTE: to reverse the process, repeat steps 10-12 but this time choose the ‘ATT_US_original.ipcc’ file
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